Fortum Power and Heat Polska - news


Fortum's positive action to improve the quality of life


Fortum has started the construction of 90 MW Kalax wind park in Närpes, Finland. The project consists of 21 wind turbines with a total capacity of 90.3 MW and an annual production of more than 0.3 TWh.


Fortum has invested in the Finnish start-up Infinited Fiber Company Ltd. (IFC). The company develops and will license technology that is used to manufacture cotton-like fibre for the textile industry from recycled fibre and cellulose.


The new power plant complies with high environmental and BAT (Best Available Technology) standards. The plant will provide district heating to some 70,000 households in southeastern Poland.


Fortum is participating in the Helsinki Electric Airplane Association’s project that is testing an electrically-powered airplane.


Fortum SmartLiving is an innovative service on the Polish market that integrates remote management of a flat and building. The application adjusts the temperature and lighting in each room.


The program assumes, among others, expansion of the heating network, development of low-emission energy sources, environmental education and a special anti-smog package for the city.


Fortum has launched a pilot project in which a pioneering virtual power plant based on demand flexibility will be built together with customers. Fortum will build an over 100-kilowatt virtual power plant from an aggregated network of roughly 70 water heaters located in single family homes. The capacity of this power plant will be offered to the Finnish national grid company Fingrid to maintain a continuous power balance in the electricity system.


Thanks to Fortum, new heating benches designed by Sokka Studio, appeared on the streets of Wroclaw.


One of the Finnish leading energy companies will invest about 1 billion PLN in Wrocław.


The investment in one of the most innovative powerplants in Europe cost the company about 530 mln PLN.


Fortum is building a new combined heat and power plant in Czestochowa in Poland. The value of the investment is around EUR 95 million.

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