CRISIS MANAGEMENT ⇒ WU: Webinar: Fraud protection during the COVID-19 pandemic

Webinar: Fraud protection during the COVID-19 pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic tears on, many of our customers have been asking us the same question: Should I be concerned about would-be fraudsters looking to exploit the situation? The short answer unfortunately, is yes. Recently, there has been a rise in fraudulent activity in several areas including fake goods, investment opportunities and malicious emails where cyber fraudsters are targeting organisations and those who work there.

However, there are steps you can take to help prevent this happening to you. Join our webinar where our Global Head of Fraud Investigation, Alex Beavan, discusses 5 key fraud scenarios and outlines what measures you can take to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.


Apr 21, 2020 10:00 AM in London

Registration: here.

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