BALAJCZA Linguistic Services: Translations, interpreting, and on-line courses

In connection with the COVID19 pandemic, I would like to inform you that BALAJCZA Linguistic Services provides ordinary and sworn translations as it has been done so far. However, we provide interpreting and language courses on-line.
Like many other companies, we have also implemented a Business Continuity Plan, taking care of the safety of employees and continuity of business. This means, above all, that in order to minimise the risk of infection spreading, a large proportion of our full-time employees work on-line from home. Our freelance translators have already worked from home and we continue to work with them in the same mode without interruptions. All the changes implemented in recent days will have no impact on either the delivery time or the quality of translations.
We would like to remind you that if you need a sworn translation, we can also deliver it remotely, there is no need to collect it personally at our office, and a scan of the finished translation can be sent to your e-mail address. We will deliver the original of the sworn translation to the indicated address by courier service.
As far as interpreting is concerned, in recent days, most of the conferences, workshops, and trainings scheduled for the coming weeks have unfortunately been cancelled or postponed. Nevertheless, some business meetings are replaced by videoconferences or teleconferences and I would like to draw your attention to the fact that during such meetings it is also possible to arrange interpreting services. In this case, the interpretation is done remotely using the software used for videoconferencing, e.g. Skype or Zoom application. If you need interpreting support at a video or teleconference, we will be happy to support you.
A large part of our stationary language courses have been replaced by on-line language courses. Our teachers are ready and willing to give on-line courses, instead of stationary ones, using various software, e.g. Skype or Zoom application, as in the case of interpreting. We encourage our current students to try out the classes in this form. As many people work from home or are in voluntary quarantine for 14 days, following the recommendations, we encourage everyone to use this time for linguistic development and take advantage of our on-line courses.
We offer support for you in the field of:
1. Translations – accepting orders and submitting translations is still done exclusively by e-mail.
2. Sworn translations – accepting orders and submitting translations in the form of scans is done exclusively by e-mail, and original documents are sent exclusively by courier.
3. Interpreting – some business meetings are replaced by videoconferences or teleconferences and during such meetings it is also possible to arrange interpreting services. In this case, the interpretation is done remotely using the software used for videoconferencing, e.g. Skype or Zoom application.
4. Language courses – a large part of our stationary language courses have been replaced by on-line language courses. Our teachers are ready and willing to give on-line courses, instead of stationary ones, using various software, e.g. Skype or Zoom application, as in the case of interpreting.
We also organise on-line courses for children.
Feel free to contact us:
Tel: 22 643 47 94, -98