SPCC Photo Competition 2015

We would like to invite SPCC members to take part in the 6th edition of the
For the next edition of the SPCC Photo Competition we would like to invite our Members to share their most inspiring and memorable images from Scandinavia. Scandinavian countries have a lot to offer to visitors – vibrant big cities and quiet little seaside towns, amazing landscapes and nature with friendly and outdoorsy people. The pictures send to the competition can portray a special moment or experience from your travel to Scandinavia, a place which is most remembered and inspiring. It could be a well-known tourist attraction but also a newly discovered spot known only to you.
We are counting on your creativity!

Our competition is meant for amateurs – the only condition to participate is to be SPCC member, so please distribute this information among your co-workers as the competition is meant for all employees of SPCC companies.
12 winning photographs will be published in the SPCC calendar for 2016.
Desk calendars will be distributed among all SPCC members in the end of the year to help you in good planning of 2016 and let Scandinavia inspire you every day! Names of authors will be placed on winning photos in the calendar. The winners will get not only extra calendars, but also attractive prizes, including:
- travel backpack from AVIS
- 3-course dinner for two people in Belvedere Restaurant
- small kitchen appliance from Electrolux
- stay for 2 people including dinner, breakfast and SPA in the Rymań Palace
- travel voucher from Supertour Lufthansa City Center
- artistic glass from a local glass factory funded by Stora Enso
- sets of cosmetics from Oriflame
- dinner for 2 people @Ferdy's Restaurant in Radisson Blu Centrum Hotel
- prize funded by Fiskars
- ferry ticket for 2 people (including the car) to Sweden funded by TT-Line
Each participant can submit max. 3 images. Photos should be sent by email to spcc@spcc.pl or delivered on CD/DVD to the SPCC office until 3rd of September 2015 at the latest.
The interpretation of the competition theme is very wide, however pictures which do not directly relate to the theme may be disqualified.
Additionally, we would like to ask you to include a short description (max. 200 characters with spaces, in English) explaining where the picture was taken and what it presents.
Detailed information concerning the competition is available in SPCC Photo Competition Regulations. Please read it carefully before entering the competition and place the following statement in the content of the e-mail:
“I hereby declare that I have read the SPCC Photo Competition Regulations and I do agree for all of its provisions, in particular concerning copyrights to the photographs submitted to the Competition”.
In case of any questions regarding the theme or the rules of the competition please contact
Sylwia Wojtaszczyk-Ciąćka, swojtaszczyk@spcc.pl, tel. 22 849 74 14.
Prize sponsors: