These are the employers young Swedes like the most 18-09-2017

Google is the most popular company if you ask Swedish students and graduates who picked it ahead of some of Sweden's own best-known businesses in a new survey.

Pollsters Kantar Sifo quizzed more than 11,000 young professionals in Sweden on behalf of recruitment agency Academic Work, to try to find out which employer in the country had the best reputation.

Tech firms claimed most of the top-ten spots in their 'Young Professional Attraction Index'.

Google was ranked top the third year in a row, followed by electric car makers Tesla in second place and Swedish music streaming startup Spotify in third.

"It is interesting to see that six out of ten companies in the top-ten list are IT or tech companies," said Academic Work insights manager Isabelle Ahlman in a statement.

"Young professionals want to work for companies that challenge the market and contribute to development and innovation in their field, something which is part of many IT and tech companies' DNA from day one. Based on this it is not strange that Google, with its strong global employer brand in a popular industry, remains as number one here in Sweden," added Ahlman.

"What all companies in the top-ten have in common is that they are seen as market leaders and innovators and as having attractive employee benefits. They are all good at what they're doing today, and are good at telling people what they are going to do tomorrow."

The Sweden-founded companies other than Spotify in the top-ten were gaming company Dice, furniture giant Ikea and car-makers Volvo.

Facebook did not make the top-ten list this year, ending up in 12th place, said Academic Work.

Young Professional Attraction Index 2017

1. Google
2. Tesla
3. Spotify
4. Apple
5. Microsoft
6. Dice
7. Ikea
8. BCG, The Boston Consulting Group
9. McKinsey & Co
10. Volvo


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