A large global demand for green energy technologies could lead to 95,000 new jobs and a total growth potential of DKK 271 billion in Denmark in 2035. This was found in a new study of Danish growth potential in the green transition.
In the green transition, major global invests are needed if we are to reach the Paris Agreement's goal of delaying climate change. The global demand may lead to large growth and employment potential for Denmark. A new analysis conducted by Damvad Analytics for the Capital Region, Region Zealand, and Gate 21 addresses growth potential in Denmark and in Greater Copenhagen.
Today, there are approx. 67,000 full-time employees in the Danish green sector. And according to the analysis, employment may grow by an additional 95,000 new jobs if Denmark upholds its current market shares. Green jobs has a high productivity - they produce green goods and services for more than DKK 190 billion a year. By 2035, the annual turnover could grow by DKK 271 billion.
- Denmark has a significant green profile internationally. If we are to fulfil this major growth and job potential, the Danish municipalities, regions and the country as a whole needs to maintain their high level of ambition. This requires us to find mutual solutions across municipal and regional boundaries and ensure good conditions for the green industry in order for it to develop new and innovative climate solutions, says Steen Christiansen, Chairman of Gate 21 and Mayor of the City of Albertslund.
Great business potential
The study shows that Denmark has a number positions of strength within the green transition - specifically, within wind energy, district heating, bio energy, and bio fuels as well as water and energy efficiency.
- The green transition is essential for our planet and it is good business. Sustainability has become an everyday issue. We not only talk about it, we act on it as well. We match the growing demand for green counselling and green construction, which puts us in front in the running for future green jobs. However, no singular sector can solve the challenges facing the green transition alone, which is why, there has to be a close cooperation between the public and private sector where they challenge one another in order to develop the best solutions, says Martin Manthorpe, the Manager for Strategy and Business Development at the Danish construction company, NCC.
Source: stateofgreen.com
Photo: T.Hjamo/VisitDenmark.com