Scandinavian countries top global health systems transparency index 10-05-2017

Denmark has the most transparent health system in the world, providing accessible, reliable, useful and up-to-date information to stakeholders.

Denmark tops the global health systems transparency index 2017 by KPMG, achieving top ratings on transparency of ‘governance’, ‘personal healthcare data’ and ‘finance’. The other Scandinavian countries also reached high positions: Finland, Sweden and Norway were ranked second, third and fourth respectively.

Transparency of information can be a powerful tool to reduce the cost and improve the quality of healthcare.
Ageing populations and budget pressures

The healthcare industry is impacted by factors such as aging populations, budget pressures, increased costs of treatments and rising demands from patients. The availability of timely, accurate and relevant data to provide and evaluate the effectiveness of care provided to patients is essential to ensure consistent, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of care.

Denmark has very comprehensive health data registries
Innovative solutions within e-health, telemedicine, homecare, and assistive technology are core focus areas in Greater Copenhagen, offering business opportunities for solution providers in the public and private healthcare sectors:

  •     Electronic health data, such as personal registries are available from several decades past, allowing researchers to follow the course of disease.
  •     Test centres and living labs focusing on clinical testing and healthtech innovation.
  •     2.5 billion euro investments in new health IT infrastructure and new super hospital healthcare facilities over the next few years.
  •     Strong academic institutions specialising in healthtech, including the Technological University of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen.
  •     Network of innovative companies in medtech, healthcare IT and healthcare consulting.
  •     A proven track record of public-private partnerships.

Free online access for all patients

Denmark is one of only four countries to provide free online access for all patients to their up-to-date medical records, and ensuring transparency is a political priority.

Denmark scores high across the board:

  •     Finance: excellent
  •     Governance: excellent
  •     Personal healthcare data: excellent
  •     Quality of healthcare: good
  •     Patient experience: good
  •     Communication of healthcare data: moderate

About the report

The report is based on a scorecard of 27 key indicators by which to measure each country’s progress on six dimensions. After validation with a reference group of transparency experts and health system leaders, KPMG health practices in 32 countries completed the scorecard based on their knowledge of what data was published, sometimes with assistance from the Ministry of Health or other authorities.

Completed transparency framework scorecards were received from 32 countries, covering most OECD and G20 countries.
See the report here:


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