Finnish startup investments break new record 31-03-2017

Statistics on private investments and venture capital investments in Finnish early stage companies in 2016 reveal growth of 42 per cent on the previous year.

The total amount invested in Finnish early stage companies in 2016 was 383 million euros. This figure includes Finnish venture capital investments (80 million euros), direct foreign investments (216 million euros), business angel investments (53 million euros) and other sources of finance, including crowdfunding (34 million euros).

Records were broken in business angel investments, crowdfunding and foreign direct investments. In total over 400 startups landed investments.

M-Files topped the list of funding rounds with 32 million euros, followed by AlphaSense at 24 million euros and Services at 19 million euros.

In addition to the 80 million euros invested in local companies, Finnish VCs also invested 40 million euros in foreign companies.

The statistics were released by the Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN) and Finnish Venture Capital Association (FVCA).


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