Sweden: Increased business production in November 13-01-2017

Production in the business sector increased by 0.4 percent in seasonally adjusted figures in November compared with October. Compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, production in the business sector increased by 2.8 percent in calendar adjusted figures.

The rise in total production was mainly driven by industry, with an increase of 1.1 percent, compared with the previous month and in seasonally adjusted figures. Construction showed the weakest development, with a decrease of 1.4 percent compared with October. Service production increased only marginally by 0.3 percent.

In the three month period from September to November 2016, production increased by 0.9 percent compared with the previous three-month period, June to August, in seasonally adjusted figures. Production in industry showed the strongest development, with an increase of 3.6 percent, while service production remained unchanged.

In calendar adjusted figures, production in the business sector increased by 2.8 percent in November compared with the corresponding month in the previous year. Construction had the strongest development, with an increase of 7.5 percent, while industrial production had the weakest development with a decrease of 0.8 percent.

Source of text and graphics: Statistics Sweden

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