Employees in Denmark and Norway are the happiest in the world according to the 2016 Global Workforce Happiness Index by Universum, conducted among young professionals in 57 markets.
The ability to recruit and retain top talent is as critical to innovation and competitive strength as is access to capital. As a result, employers must pay close attention to employee satisfaction in order to position the organisation as an attractive place to work and to reduce turnover.
Denmark takes the top spot, Norway’s workforce stand at number two followed by Costa Rica, Austria, Netherlands and Finland in seventh place in the 2016 Global Workforce Happiness Index, surveying more than 200,000 professionals in 57 markets, which was carried out between September 2015 and September 2016.
The Global Workforce Happiness Index by Universum is calculated based on:
-employee satisfaction at their current job,
-likelihood of recommending their current employer
- their stated sense of job loyalty.
The research targets intellectuals with work experience, who are not as likely to be affected by economic downturns.
A recent report from Universum shows that in 2018, 49 million more employees will be leaving their current employers compared to 2012 – representing 192 million employees worldwide turning over.
Read the report's summary: universumglobal.com
Source: universumglobal.com
Photo: absfreepic.com