The proposal, ‘Helhedsplan – for et stærkere Danmark’ (Master plan – for a stronger Denmark’), contains seven key areas including welfare, labour, competitiveness, refugees and education.
The seven central parts of the 2025 plan:
1. Higher wages for the long-term unemployed who return to work, and tax-free working conditions for the homeless
2. Tax breaks for new entrepreneurs, deductions for investors, a strategy for shared economies, more affordable electricity, water and heating, axing the PSO tax.
3. Boosting Denmark’s welfare model and security.
4. Better education and a more robust SU system - establishing a pool to lift the competencies of the Danes, overhauling the educational support model.
5. Better control of the refugee flow.
6. Better savings for a secure old age - the strategy aims to make pension savings obligatory and set up a pension bonus.
7. Reserves for the security of Danes - the government wants to set aside 24 billion kroner to balancethe current faulty real estate evaluation process.