Polish Statistical Office: Over the first five months of the year, the Polish export to the Scandinavian markets increased faster than in the general scale. 5-08-2016

According to GUS (Polish Statistical Office) preliminary data, in the period January - May 2016, the Polish export to the Scandinavian markets increased faster that the average total export increase to the EU.  The export to Norway increased by 11.6 per cent, to Sweden by 7 per cent, and to Denmark by 5.6 per cent.

The first five months of the year saw a slowdown in Poland's turnover of goods with other countries. The export increased by 1.2 per cent (to EUR 73.6 billion), whereas the import remained at the last year's level (EUR 70.6 billion). Consequently, the surplus amounted to nearly EUR 3 billion, i.e. almost EUR 0.9 billion more than last year.

The low export dynamics after the first five months of 2016 resulted from the slowdown of the increase in the export to developed countries (2.1 per cent increase to EUR 63.8 billion) and continuation of the downward tendency in sales to less developed markets (by 4.5 per cent, to EUR 9.8 billion).
The export to the EU increased by 1.3 per cent (to nearly EUR 58.7 billion), and it was bigger to non Euro zone countries (by 1.7 per cent) than to Euro zone ones (by 1.2 per cent). An increase in export was recorded in the case of 16 EU Member States, and in the case of 13 of them it was faster than in the general scale.

Out of the main EU markets, the sales increased the fastest to: Ireland (by over 15 per cent), Slovenia (by 14 per cent), Romania (by 11 per cent), Sweden (by 7 per cent), Italy (by nearly 6 per cent), Denmark (by 5.6 per cent), Spain (by 4.2 per cent) and France (by over 4 per cent). The current export's tendency to increase faster to the EU than in the general scale translated into strengthening of its share in our total export to 79.8 per cent after 5 months of 2016.

The export to non-EU developed countries increased much faster than the average, i.e. by 12.8 per cent, to approx. EUR 5.1 billion. It resulted from a dynamic growth in sales to: Switzerland (by 15 per cent), Canada (by 14.5 per cent), Japan (by 13 per cent), Norway (by 11.6 per cent), USA (by 9.6 per cent) and Israel (by 29.2 per cent).

Source: Polish Ministry of Development
Photo: Pixabay.com

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