The Scandinavian countries among the most peaceful countries in the world.
According to the published ranking of the Global Peace Index 2016 Iceland was ranked first and Denmark was ranked in second place out of 163 countries. Finland 11th, Sweden took the 14th place, Norway 17th.
Poland is at the 22nd position.
The report takes into account, inter alia, the political stability of the country, the perception of criminogenic phenomena, terrorism, access to weapons, violent demonstrations, violent crime, defense expenditure, the number of people serving in the army, the state's defense, nuclear weapons, and others.
Global Peace Index
The GPI comprises 23 indicators of the existence of violence or fear of violence, which include metrics such as the level of perceived criminality in the society, impact of terrorism, and military expenditure as percentage of the country’s gross domestic product.
Each of the indicators for a given country is graded on a scale of one to five and then indexed into a final score, which can then be compared against other countries.
The entire report with a detailed description:
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