Danes shopped for 30 billion kroner in the first 23 days of December, reports Politiken.
According to the digital payment provider Nets, Danes traded for almost 29.6 billion kroner with their credit cards and made a total of 94.8 million payments in the three weeks leading up to Christmas.
More than last Christmas
Christmas 2015 thus surpassed previous year’s Christmas by 6.6 percent in the volume of spending and by 9 percent in the number of transactions.
On Tuesday December 22 alone, Danes shopped for 1.7 billion kroner, which has placed the day as number three on the list of days with the highest ever credit card consumption.
Consumer spending recovering
This year’s Black Friday tops the list, with nearly 2 billion kroner spent on shopping.
On the night of November 27, the internet payment service DIBS registered 43 transactions per second, compared to just 5 per second on a normal Friday.
According to Henrik Hyltoft, the marketing manager at the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the December figures suggest consumer spending is recovering, which is a crucial signal for retailers.
Source: cphpost.dk
Photo: T. Hjamo/VisitDenmark.com