Youthonomics index reveals Norway is the most attractive country in the world for youth under 25.
Youthonomics index used 59 indicators to rank 64 countries, based on their surveys on optimism among the youth under 25, in addition to other data on health, educational opportunities, and access to employment.
Some of the findings of the so-called Youthonomics index showed that Norway is the best country for youths. Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands follow Norway in the index.
Looking at the index, country’s economic position plays a decisive role. Richer or economically expanding countries are more attractive for the young people.
One of the most surprising result of the study is that China outranks Spain, notes Washington Post.
- Many developing countries struggle to offer younger citizens future prospects, according to the index, but China appears to be an exception. Partly due to its efforts to alleviate poverty, and its willingness to invest in education, China has become particularly attractive to young people. It has even outranked European nations such as Spain, Croatia and Italy, writes the newspaper.
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Photo: Raport Youthonomics Global Index 2015