Sweden ranked world’s third most innovative nations 9-10-2015

Sweden is the world’s third most innovative nations, according to the Global Innovation Index 2015.

“Innovation holds far-reaching promise for spurring economic growth in countries at all stages of development. However, realizing this promise is not automatic,” said WIPO Director General Francis Gurry. “Each nation must find the right mix of policies to mobilize the innate innovative and creative potential in their economies.”

Switzerland was ranked number 1, followed by the United Kingdom, Sweden (3), Netherlands (4), USA (5), Finland (6), Singapore (7), Iceland (8), Luxembourg (9) and Denmark (10).

The GII 2015 looks at “Effective Innovation Policies for Development” and shows new ways that emerging-economy policymakers can boost innovation and spur growth by building on local strengths and ensuring the development of a sound national innovation environment.

Read the full report: www.wipo.int

Source: www.swedishwire.com
Photo: Global Innovation Index 2015

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