Nordic countries high in The Global Creativity Index 2015 4-09-2015

 The GCI is a broad-based measure for advanced economic growth and sustainable prosperity based on the 3Ts of economic development — talent, technology, and tolerance. It rates and ranks 139 nations worldwide on each of these dimensions and on our overall measure of creativity and prosperity.

Overall Ranking: Australia takes the number one ranking on the GCI, supplanting Sweden, which took top spot in the previous 2004 and 2011 editions. The United States is second (maintaining its previous ranking). New Zealand is third, Canada fourth (up three spots from its previous ranking), with Denmark and Finland tied for fifth. The rest of the top ten includes Sweden in seventh, Iceland eighth, Singapore ninth, the Netherlands tenth. Norway is eleventh.

Creativity, Competitiveness, and Prosperity: Global creativity, as measured by the GCI, is closely connected to the economic development, competitiveness, and prosperity of nations. Countries that score highly on the GCI have higher levels of productivity (measured as economic output per person), competitiveness, entrepreneurship, and overall human development. Creativity is also closely connected to urbanization, with more urbanized nations scoring higher on the GCI.

  The Global Creativity Index 2015 – the top 15:
1.     Australia (0,970)
2.     United States (0,950)
3.     New Zealand (0,949)
4.     Canada (0,920)
5.     Denmark (0,917)
5.     Finland (0,917)
7.     Sweden (0,915)

8.     Iceland (0,9130)
9.     Singapore (0,896)
10.   The Netherlands (0,889)
11.   Norway (0,883)
12.   United Kingdom (0,881)
13.   Ireland (0,845)
14.   Germany (0,837)
16.   Switzerland, France and Slovenia (0,822)
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