Finland tops WEF’s list of most innovative countries 15-07-2015

Finland is the most innovative country in the world, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Finland is followed by Switzerland and Israel.

In addition to its top score in innovation, Finland ranks also first on the list in higher education & training. Singapore and the Netherlands round up the top three.

The report concludes that Finland scores well in overall global competitiveness, ranking 4th behind Switzerland, Singapore and the United States and before Germany on place five. In Europe, only Switzerland is more competitive than Finland.

The Global Competitiveness Index is composed by 12 pillars that capture the different aspects of competitiveness. WEF states that the 35th edition of the index emphasizes innovation and skills as the key drivers of economic growth.

Source: Based on Good News from Finland's article: and World Economy Forum:
Photo: Kimmo Brandt/ Helsinki Convention Bureau

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