An unusually windy day meant that Denmark far surpassed its energy needs just through renewable power sources.
Due to an unusually windy day, wind farms in Denmark managed to produce 140 per cent of the country's electricity needs.
By Thursday evening, the Nordic nation's wind turbines were producing 116 per cent of Denmark's electricity needs, a figure that rose to 140 per cent in the early hours of the morning.
As reported by The Guardian, 80 per cent of the surplus power was shared between Germany and Norway, with Sweden taking the 20 per cent left is estimated that Denmark could be producing half of its energy from renewable sources before 2020. The government aims to be producing 84 per cent of Denmark's electricity needs through wind power by 2035.
Wind power is already responsible for 29 per cent of the electricity generated there. While coal is still the main energy source in Denmark, the country is still one of the world leaders in renewable energy production.
Photo: Nicolai Perjesi/