Sweden: Increased business production 13-04-2015

Production for the Swedish business sector increased by 0.7 percent in February compared with January in seasonally adjusted figures. Comparing February with the same month last year, production for the business sector increased by 2.0 percent in working day adjusted figures.

Service production increased by 0.7 percent in February compared with January. At the same time industrial production and construction production increased by 0.5 and 0.8 respectively. Business production as a whole increased by 0.7 percent in February compared with last month.

During the last three-month period December- February, production increased by 0.7 percent compared with the previous period.

In working day adjusted figures, production for the business sector increased by 2.0 percent in February compared with the same month last year. The rise in service production and construction production was dampened by the weak result in industrial production.

The figures for February are preliminary. Since the previous publication the change in business production in December compared to November has been revised downwards 0.4 percent.

Read the full story: Statistics Sweden 
Photo: Justin Brown/ Image Bank Sweden

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