Copenhagen tops EU entrepreneurship index 6-10-2014

The new Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) ranks the Copenhagen Region top among all the 125 EU regions in terms of supporting entrepreneurship and improving business and growth conditions for entrepreneurial companies.

All Danish regions are included in the REDI’s top 25.

About REDI

The Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) captures the contextual features of entrepreneurship across each of the 24 EU member states’ 125 regions.

The REDI is a comprehensive innovation strategy to strengthen Europe’s capacity for delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as well as to design regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation with special attention to entrepreneurial activities as a key driver of economic recovery and employment growth.

Sponsored by the European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, Economic Analysis, the project is jointly carried out by the University of Groningen, Imperial College London and the University of Pecs.

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Photo: T. Hjamo/

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