“Wallet experiment” by Reader's Digest with Helsinki on the top- study case corresponding to Report of the Global Peace Index 2013 24-09-2013

Reader's Digest has published the results of a "wallet experiment" whereby they dropped 192 wallets on the streets of different cities of the world, and monitored the reaction and return percentage. Each wallet had 50 USD in cash, plus a family photo, business card and contact number.
Of the 192 wallets, just under half were returned, but the results varied strikingly from city to city in the study, commissioned by Reader's Digest.
Finnish capital city Helsinki returned 11 of its wallets, while in Lisbon, Portugal, only one of the wallets was returned - by a couple on holiday from Holland.

In Helsinki 11 of the 12 dropped wallets were returned to owner, making it the nr. 1 in honesty. Second was Mumbai (India) with 9/12 and third Budapest (Hungary) with 8/12. You can also find Warsaw results in there… we are on11th position (5/12) together with Berlin, London. In London, England, Ursula Smist, 35, who is originally from Poland, retrieved our wallet and handed it over to her boss.

Lasse Luomakoski, a 27-year-old student who returned a wallet in Helsinki, thought that her people were naturally disposed to be honest.He said: 'Finns are naturally honest, it’s typical for us. We are a small, quiet, closely-knit community.We have little corruption and we don’t even run red lights.'

However, being in uniform did not guarantee a sense of duty - in Zurich one wallet was taken and kept by a tram driver - despite the fact that Zurich's tram system runs a city-wide lost and found service.

The full results can be picked using the attached link:
"Reader's Digest finds Helsinki the most honest city in the world"

Some other European media has already reported the news, for example

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