New indicator of innovation output
This MEMO explains the objectives of the new indicator of innovation output and provides an overview of the performance of EU Member States, other European countries associated to the EU’s research Framework Programme, and some of the EU’s main trading partners.
More information is contained in the Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication, including performance charts for all countries.
Why is the Commission proposing a new indicator of innovation output?
Innovation is key for Europe’s competitiveness, growth and jobs, and is therefore at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The European Union has set itself the goal of becoming an “Innovation Union”.
The new indicator of innovation output was developed at the request of the European Council to benchmark national innovation policies and monitor the EU's performance against its main trading partners. It measures the extent to which ideas stemming from innovative sectors are capable of reaching the market, providing better jobs and making Europe more competitive.
In March 2013, the Heads of State and Government requested a discussion on innovation in October 2013, calling on the Commission to deliver the indicator by that date. The indicator also fulfils a commitment under the Innovation Union flagship initiative to "launch the necessary work for the development of a new indicator measuring the share of fast-growing innovative companies in the economy".