Norway: New research programme on culture and media sector to be launched 17-01-2014

Original author: Christian Lund/Else Lie.
Translation: Darren McKellep/Carol B. Eckmann
Published: 17.01.2014

The Government has approved a new research programme for the culture and media sector to be launched by the Research Council of Norway in the course of 2014. The programme will run for five years and will have an annual allocation of some NOK 15 million.

The name of the new programme is Research Programme on the Culture and Media Sector (KULMED).

Background for policy-making

“In order to devise good policy in the future, we need more research in the field of culture and media,” stated Minister of Culture Thorhild Widvey in December, in a press release from the ministry.

“Research can never replace political discretion, but research-based knowledge can lay a foundation for sound cultural-policy decisions. Furthermore, research can challenge and add nuance to established cultural-policy truths and identify alternative paths,” says Ms Widvey.

Research Council pleased

The Research Council will now work with the Ministry of Culture to develop a policy-oriented programme that addresses knowledge needs within the sector.

“We are very pleased about this new programme,” says Director General of the Research Council Arvid Hallén. “The Ministry of Culture has previously sought to learn more about the knowledge needs of the culture and media sector, and appointed two government committees in this context. The reports of both committees documented the need to strengthen the knowledge base.”


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