Scandinavian countries ranked high in Good Country Index, which compared contributions to the planet and humanity from 125 countries.
The Good Country Index is a new survey which analyzes data from the UN, the World Bank, and various other NGOs and international organizations to determine which countries contribute the most to humanity.
The results were based on 35 types of data from 125 different countries, including factors such as number of Nobel Prize winners, refugees granted asylum, UN treaties signed, humanitarian aid donations, creative exports and freedom of the press.
The data was then categorized into scores for seven different areas: science and technology, culture, international peace and security, world order, planet and climate, prosperity and equality, and, finally, health and well-being.
The Nordic region in general was ranked higher than any other region in the world. Finland was ranked second, Sweden sixth, Norway and Denmark eighth and ninth respectively.
„Good Country Index” - Top Ten:
1. Ireland
2. Finland
3. Switzerland
4. The Netherlands
5. New Zealand
6. Sweden
7. UK
8. Norway
9. Denmark
10. Belgium