Finland develops energy system of the future 7-07-2014

Storing wind and solar energy poses signficant challenges. Researchers in Finland have launched a project to develop the storage of solar and wind energy.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has joined forces with Lappeenranta University of Technology and the Finland Futures Research Centre at the University of Turku in the NEO-CARBON ENERGY project.

— Solar and wind energy can provide major opportunities to create new jobs and export products for Finland, says Pasi Vainikka, Project Coordinator and Principal Scientist at VTT.
— The purpose of the project is to develop an energy system based on the storage of energy in the form of hydrocarbons, in other words conventional fuels.
An emission-free energy system based on solar and wind energy is a major challenge to develop due to varying levels of supply.

This kind of energy production will also be divided into much smaller units than today, with even individual households acting as energy suppliers.

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Photo: City of Helsinki Tourist Board

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