Norwegians work less for their food 21-07-2014

Norwegians are among those in Europe who have to work fewest hours for their food, according to a price comparison between 10 European nations, VG reports.

According to the newspaper, Norwegians have to put in only 1 hour and 48 minutes at work in order to afford to buy food for a week! Switzerland comes next, with 2 hours and 3 minutes.

Austrians, at the other end of the scale, have to work 3 hours and 39 minutes for the same foodbasket.

The main reason for this is that the pay per hour is much higher in Norway than the rest of Europe. According to Eurostat, the hourly wage in Norway is 57 per cent higher than the average for the 10 countries.

Eurostat also shows that Norwegians use 13.3 per cent of their household expenses on food, while for example Italians use 14.2 per cent.

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