News from member companies
On the 22-11-06 at 1400 Peter Nielsen & Partners will – in cooperation with the Embassy of Poland in Denmark and Polish Danish Business Forum – hold an afternoon seminar in Copenhagen about real estate investment in Poland.
It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of Ms. Janet Fitzner as General Manager of the Radisson SAS Centrum Hotel in Warsaw, Poland effective 23rd October 2006.
Nordea Bank Polska is in second position in the ranking of the best banks offering services to companies, prepared by the „Forbes” monthly.
Handelsbanken otworzył 14 września 2006 nowy oddział w Polsce – w Poznaniu. Dyrektorem nowego oddziału został Jarosław Ładziak. Siedziba mieści się w części biurowej Starego Browaru, przy ul. Półwiejskiej 32.
A very important part of the Responsible Business Program is care for the environment. Hotel chains from all over the world participate in the worldwide environmental Hotel Environment Action Month (HEAM) campaign. The program was initiated by International Hotel Environment Initiative (IHEI), and its goal is to increase the environmental and social awareness of the employees and guests. Naturally, Polish Radisson SAS hotels participate in this campaign every year.
Peter Nielsen & Partners Law Office actively participates in the 15th REFE - International Property & Investment Fair in Wrocław on 22-23 September 2006.
Handelsbanken Finans started operations in Poland. Handelsbanken already has branches in Warsaw and in Gdańsk (opened in June) and will soon open a branch in Poznań. So, now the Polish operations include finance company services, too.
The managing partner of Peter Nielsen & Partners Law Office has for many years operated on a shuttle basis between Poland and Denmark. Now he and his wife Karen – who is a dentist specialising in orthodontics – move to Warsaw, where they are domiciled close to the law office at Langiewicza Street in central Warsaw, not far from the residence of the Danish ambassador.