Skanska Property Poland: signs new lease contracts for office space in the Green Towers complex in Wrocław


The new tenants in the green building will be Dolby, Medicover Group and Talex. They will join the first two tenants, who moved into Green Towers building A in mid-April 2012: Ernst & Young and Allegro Group.

Dolby, which has leased over 850 sqm in the recently completed building A, is going to move into Green Towers in September 2012. The WrocĹ‚aw branch of Dolby, the global leader in technologies that are essential elements in the best entertainment experiences, will be the eleventh office of the company in Europe. Talex, the supplier of technologically advanced services and IT solutions which optimise business processes, took up 300 sqm and will also move to building A in September 2012. 
More information HERE. 

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