Stena Recycling Sp. z.o.o.: On International Conference "Power of Waste"


An International Conference „Power of Waste” which begins today, is dedicated to waste management. Stena is a partner of this event and the presentation by Fredrik Valentin, CEO Stena Recycling will take place on the second day of the conference.

The two-day conference will most of all cove the topics regarding  management of recycling energy fraction recovered from municipal waste, waste management systems operating in Poland and Europe as well as secondary materials market. The last topic is will be brought up in the presentation by Stena’s CEO Fredrik Valentin, titled: “Recovery materials – what else can we recover from waste?. The presentation will be held on the second day of the Conference (14.10) at 13.10.   

The agenda of the Conference includes, among others, presentations of the waste management systems on the example of Gdynia and the Swedish Linkoping as well as system of recovery and utilization of biodegradable waste in Germany.

Conference "The Power of Waste" is organized by Eko Dolina, within XI International Economic Forum Gdynia 2011. The full conference program can be read at Economic Forum website:

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