Stena Recycling Sp. z.o.o.: Collection of waste during the Earth Day


Almost 30 tons of waste collected by the Stena Recycling Centre during the Earth Day street party on Sunday.

Almost 15 tons of electric waste and 12 tons of recovered paper were brought to our Stena Recycling Centre on the 8th of May, during the World Earth Day street party organised on Pole Mokotowskie, in Warsaw. Over 635 participants of the event made their eco-commitments.

Warsaw, 9 May 2011 – first Warsaw inhabitants willing to give their waste turned up at the Stena Recycling Centre as early as at 8 o’clock. During only a few hours, the event’s participants handed over 12 tons of recover paper for recycling, thus economising around 20 tons of CO2. A record-breaker brought 265 kg of paper! After recycling, the paper we collected will be used for making, for example, new printer paper, newspapers or paper towels.
In the same time, Stena Recycling collected also 15 tons of used electric and electronic equipment, e.g. computer monitors, refrigerators, TV sets, irons and mobile phones. The major part of this waste can be reused as standard value materials for production of, for example, hubcaps, abrasive material or as granulate for production of plastic elements. In exchange for the collected equipment and waste paper, over a dozen thousand oak seedlings and flower bulbs were given. “We are glad about this interest as it proves that Poles, like inhabitants of other European countries, see the possibility of a better waste management and therefore - of limited natural resources protection” says Anna Nowakowska, PR, Marketing & Brand Manager in Stena Recycling. 


The collection of waste was accompanied by educational activities. On a specially prepared stand, the employees of Stena Recycling explained the recycling processes and their importance for the CO2 emission reduction. Using the Eco-Commitments Wheel, modelled on the Stena Climate Wheel, the participants of the event had the occasion to make pro-ecological resolutions consisting of actions aiming at reduction of the personal footprint, i.e. reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, for which every one of us is responsible. The commitments made concerned among others correct segregation of waste, resignation of a car drive in favour of bicycle or handing over old cables for recycling. During the Earth Day, such commitments were made by 635 people. If all the declarations are fulfilled till the end of the year, they will allow a CO2 emission reduction by over 6 tons! “The interest in making eco-commitments was huge. The highest number of people this year decided to resign from a car drive in favour of a walk at least once a month. It is worth knowing that 5 km of a car drive produces 1 kg of CO2! Stena Recycling contributes to the reduction of 8 million tons of CO2 emission yearly, what is an equivalent of exhaust gases that would be produced by 1.35 million flights around the world. Recycling matters!” summarises Anna Nowakowska.

The Stena Recycling stand presented principles of proper segregation of waste as well as different electric and electronic devices with notes describing which parts of, for example, a refrigerator, can be recycled and what can be made of them. The visitors learned for instance that cable casings can be used for production of granulate for new plastic elements and that from power units are produced fractions serving then to recover precious metals, e.g. silver. Children had the occasion to see how to make classic laid from recovered paper and adults participated in a competition for a positive slogan promoting recycling, organised in cooperation with Stena Line – a sister company of Stena Recycling. Announcement of the winner on 10th of May 2011, at


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