BALAJCZA Linguistic Services: Online breakfast with BALAJCZA


Online breakfast with BALAJCZA
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
8 am-9 am



“Portugal – the land of great explorers and green wine”


Portugal is a country on the edge of Europe, bordering with the Atlantic Ocean. The sun shines almost all year round here, which is why Portugal produces some of the best wines in the world.


The country is also known for its cuisine, which features Mediterranean flavours as well as Brazilian and Indian influences.


During the meeting you will find out:

  • Are the Portuguese still so keen to travel?
  • How is green wine produced?
  • Why do Portuguese people eat chips with rice?
  • What influences of Japanese cuisine can be found on a Portuguese plate?

Portuguese culture and cuisine will be presented by:
Monika Guzek – intercultural trainer, project manager and university lecturer. She coordinates strategic marketing projects and is responsible for introducing products into foreign markets and adapting them to the requirements of these markets. For the past 11 years, she continues to find fulfilment in the area of B2B and B2C marketing, actively supporting sales departments and adapting sales support methods to local customer preferences. She has gained extensive international experience: Monika has worked in Poland, Germany, China and Indonesia, and for the last two years she has been dividing her life between Poland and Portugal. President of SIETAR Poland.


The meeting will be held in Polish.


To confirm your participation, please contact:
Timea Balajcza,
tel.: +48 601 913 446


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