BSJP Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Sroka Nilsson Sp.k.: Full Integration of Nilsson & Partners with BSJP


We are pleased to announce that on 1 January 2018 Nilsson & Partners was fully integrated into the law firm BSJP Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Sp.k., with Dag Nilsson and Jarosław Sroka joining as equity partners, which resulted in the inauguration of the law firm's operations after the merger under the new name BSJP Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Sroka Nilsson Sp.k. (BSJP).

The reason for the merger are the existing synergies between the firms, and the possibility to grow jointly on the market, strengthening both the scope of industries serviced, fields of expertise as well as the geographical reach. The move will increase the expertise available to the Clients of the respective firms, by making available to them the specialists, know-how and experience of the other firm,  as well as provide to them the benefit of the complementary expertise of the firms in all covered fields of their law practice as well as the geographical specialization each of them has attained over the years. Both law firms have been active for many years on the Polish market advising investors and corporations, in particular foreign owned, with Nilsson & Partners being one of the leading companies advising entities from Nordic countries on the Polish market. BSJP intends to continue the specialized service of entities from the Nordic countries through the department BSJP Nordic.

On the same day, the following joined the group of equity partners:

  • Legal adviser Dag Nilsson - founder and managing partner at Nilsson & Partners, specializes in corporate law, commercial law and the law of contracts, mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures. He also has extensive experience in intellectual property law and energy law.
  • Legal counsel JarosĹ‚aw Sroka – he has been cooperating with BSJP for seven years as a partner specializing in advising domestic and foreign companies in the implementation of construction projects and broadly understood infrastructure (FIDIC and non-FIDIC type contracts), in particular in the field of public procurement law and law construction.

In connection with the above integration, BSJP will become a law firm employing approximately 70 lawyers, legal advisors and auditors, providing services to clients in offices in Gdańsk, Katowice, Poznań and Warsaw. In addition, BSJP is part of the ETL Group that offers legal, tax and auditing advice to over 200,000 clients in over 50 countries around the world. In addition to legal services, BSJP provides its clients with tax advisory services, auditing services, accounting services and economic consultancy services.

For more information on changes related to the development of the BSJP law office, please contact Dag Nilsson (

BSJP Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Sroka Nilsson Sp.k. - more news and informations

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