Stena Recycling Sp. z.o.o.: 2nd edition of the RECONOMY Coalition Conference


The concept of Circular Economy is an opportunity for companies to conduct sustainable operations and improve their position in relation to the competition. However, it requires changes in business models and raising the awareness of consumers and enterprises. These are the main conclusions of the second edition of the RECONOMY Coalition Conference, of which Stena Recycling was a partner.

During this year's conference Circular Economy - business and consumer on a path of change, experts devoted a lot of time to discussing the concept of CE from the point of view of entrepreneurs.

- The Circular Economy is most often associated with the waste management process. Rightly so, but it's just part of the problem. Properly implemented basics of circular economy allow not only for efficient waste cycle management or creating more favorable conditions for waste collection, but also for gaining a competitive advantage. CE inspires you to look for new solutions for the main business of the company. It allows you to create business models that will be more effective and at the same time more environment-friendly - said Piotr BruĹşdziak, Sales and Marketing Director at Stena Recycling.

We are currently observing the beginning of the transformation, which is necessary for CE assumptions to become a business practice. An important issue is raising the awareness of entrepreneurs and society about what is a Circular Economy, what are its benefits and what it requires. In this process, one can not forget about consumer education. Without them, not all business entities will manage to change their way of acting.

The special guest of the event was Peter Lacy, managing director of Accenture Strategy, a company that is one of the largest providers of management solutions dedicated to Circular Economy.

During the event, representatives of public institutions and companies from the Netherlands shared their experiences, showing how CE works in their business environment.

About 200 participants, representatives of the business world, public administration, university staff and the media took part in the event.

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