NTG Road Sp. z o.o.: has a new name


In regard to previous information concerning ownership changes in Polar Logistics Group, we would like to inform you that, as a result of acquisition of 51% of shares by Nordic Transport Group A/S (NTG), from 2nd of October 2017 the name of the company will be changed.

The Company’s new name: NTG Polar Road Sp. z o.o.

All other details, including NIP [Tax Identification Number], REGON [Statistical Identification Number], KRS [National Court Register number], numbers of bank accounts and the company’s address remain unchanged.

The change of the Company’s name has no influence over the validity of previously concluded agreements and execution of your orders.

We would like to ask you to include the Company’s new name in invoices and other accounting documents starting from 2nd October 2017.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

NTG Road Sp. z o.o. - more news and informations

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