Stena Recycling Sp. z.o.o.: 5 ways for an environmentally friendly company


The way we deal with waste has a huge impact on the environment. What can a company do to better manage waste and be cleaner?

Through responsible waste management, companies contribute to environmental protection. Thanks to specific actions, it is possible to increase material recovery and reduce carbon footprint and energy use.

- Waste management is an important aspect of environmental protection included in the goals of sustainable development adopted by the UN. Companies recognize the importance of responsible and sustainable waste management that brings environmental, social and business benefits. When looking for the best solutions, it is worth considering all the steps that have an impact on the generation and handling of waste - says Piotr BruĹşdziak, Sales and Marketing Director at Stena Recycling.

Here are five tips to help your business deal with waste to better protect the environment.

1. Design for recycling

With some products, we are able to recover more raw materials than others. This comes, among others, from the type of materials used in the production process, the way they are used, or the possibility of later separation from each other. Design for recycling entails the creation of a product in such a way as to achieve the highest material recovery rate after the end of its life cycle. Implementation of solutions developed after prior analysis can bring positive business results and environmental benefits.

2. Waste separation

The more accurately the waste is sorted, the more raw materials can be recovered and recycled. Therefore, the selection of additional waste streams, and the clear identification of containers and the education of employees contribute to the recovery of waste generated in the enterprise.

3. Optimization of waste management

Both for the environment and the company itself, optimizing waste management brings benefits. Its starting point is the analysis of the waste management process in the company. As a result, it is possible, among others, to match the size and type of containers to the amount of waste generated, automate the waste collection system and implement the use of volume reduction devices - container presses. This reduces the amount of waste to be disposed of and reduces the environmental pollution resulting from its transport. Optimizing waste management also helps to streamline your workflow and improve worker safety.

4. "Zero waste to landfill" policy

According to a PBS study commissioned by Stena Recycling, 38% of arge and 30% of medium-sized companies have a defined policy of "zero waste to landfill" (survey conducted in January 2016). Its implementation assumes the management of waste at every stage of production so that all waste is used in the most optimal way. The company, together with the waste management operator, is actively seeking solutions to recycle, reuse or, in the most difficult of circumstances, recover energy. The policy of "zero waste on landfill" is directly influenced by recycling design and segregation of waste.

5. Employee education

An important aspect in the field of environmental protection is the education of employees, as their immediate actions determine the extent to which the solutions described in the above paragraphs are implemented in practice. Employees are responsible for the final effect of segregating waste. Educational activities affect the improvement of waste management and build ecological awareness, which contributes to the promotion and implementation of environmental protection. Some companies choose to involve employees in pro-ecological actions, such as organizing electro-waste collection, which may be accompanied by an element of competition.

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