Eryk Sp. z o.o: Continuously striving to be the best


BIC Electric assemble, install and commission industrial plants all over the world

The most competent and reliable employees for assembling, installing and commissioning in the industrial sector. Always with correct papers and permits, preventing customers all over the world from getting into trouble with authorities, labor laws etc.

This is the offer put forward to customers by BIC Electric, a company founded on a classical Scandinavian way of running a business. This entails orderly conduct, and an emphasis on making sure that the customer always receives the benefits and services according to agreements.

On that basis, BIC Electric has expanded tremendously since its establishment in 2004 in Szczecin, Poland. Today’s list of customers includes several of the largest companies within the car industry, production industry, oil and gas, and wind power industry.

Recently, BIC Electric gained access to 11 marine electricians from a Polish company – including the previous owner and director Piotr Kesik. Their experiences from working on shipyards all over the world are now greatly complimenting the skills of the other 150+ BIC technicians.

Piotr KÄ™sik: “Previously I was a business partner to the marine industry giants, the business was volatile and I was often given a cold treatment. The human touch I got from BIC right from the start told me that this is the right place to work.”

“We want to be the best in the world at our core competences, and we predict continuous business growth. This is why we are now reinforcing areas such as HR to ensure that BIC’s employees are always well trained in solving tasks for our customers – and at the same time, it is crucial that employees experience BIC Electric as a good work place,” says CEO, Jens-Chr. Moeller, who expects an increase to 300 BIC employees before 2018.

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