Miller, Canfield, W. Babicki, A. Chełchowski i Wspólnicy Sp. K.: invites you to the seminar
3-06-2016You are invited to the seminar addressed to Polish companies and start-ups planning to expand into the US market.
The law offices of Miller Canfield are pleased to invite you to a series of seminars focusing on legal and business issues relating to expansion into the US market.
The seminar will feature the following topics:
- export of goods to the United States – export models, obligations of a Polish exporter
- export of intellectual property to the United States – license agreement concluded with an American licensee
- establishing cooperation with an agent and a distributor in the US – differences, legal consequences, requirements
- setting up a subsidiary in the US – selection of a proper model, structure, basic differences between American and Polish companies
- visas, banking matters, selection of location
- tax matters
- start-ups – models of gathering funds in the US, legal requirements
The seminar will be conducted by dr hab. Justyna Regan (Balcarczyk) of Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C., Chicago. Ms Justyna Regan is an attorney licensed in Poland (radca prawny) and in Illinois, US. The seminar is free of charge and will be held in Polish.
The seminars will be held according to the following schedule:
- 7 June in Wrocław, hosted by Dolnośląska Agencja Współpracy Gospodarczej and Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego, please send the registration form to:
- 10 June in Łódź, hosted by Centrum Obsługi Inwestorów i Eksporterów Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Łódzkiego, for details see:,zaproszenie-na-bezplatne-spotkanie-informacyjne-dla-przedsiebiorcow.html;
- 13 June in Gdańsk, hosted by Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza and Gdańska Agencja Rozwoju Gospodarczego, for details see:;
20 June in Poznań, organizator: Wielkopolskie Centrum Obsługi Inwestorów i Eksporterów oraz Sekcja Handlowa Ambasady Stanów Zjednoczonych w Warszawie, for details see:,spotkanie-informacyjne-nt-mozliwosci-eksporu-do-usa.html;
- 21 June in Szczecin, hosted by Biuro Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości, Centrum Obsługi Inwestorów i Eksporterów Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego, for details see:
Miller, Canfield, W. Babicki, A. Chełchowski i Wspólnicy Sp. K. - more news and informations