Bufab Poland Sp. z o.o.: International Companies in the times of currency wars.


Recent events on the foreign exchange market: strong appreciation of Swiss franc in January 2015, depreciation of euro  and other European currencies of about 30% against the dollar, strong depreciation of ruble in 2014 ( about 70%) or recent devaluation of Chinese yuan against the dollar, it all creates a very unstable environment for international companies.

Many experts describes recent events as „currency wars”, how can business cope with such situation?
We hereby invite all persons equitant with financial aspects of their companies to a short 6 minute survey dealing with the management of the currency risk. We will gladly share the results of our survey! 

LINK: www.ankietka.pl/ankieta/204665/zarzadzanie-ryzykiem-walutowym-w-firmie.html

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