DSV Group Poland: DSV opens new logistics hub in w Thailand


DSV has opened a new warehouse that provides easy access to and from all regions of Thailand.

The new warehouse is located southeast of Bangkok and will also serve as a logistics hub. It will provide quick and simple transit to major airports and seaports in the Asian region.

Since the company has been running the business here for 27 years, during the opening ceremony, DSV illustrated their strong relationship between Denmark and Thailand through cultural shows of the two countries which one of them was performed by DSV staff.

We chose this location because of its connectivity locally to infrastructure to the Asian region and beyond. We are extremely pleased with this new warehouse and are looking forward to growing our presence here - said Peter Minor, CEO Asia. By exchanging resources and knowledge across regions, we provide a stronger service to our clients. We have taken our global experience in warehouse solutions and implemented them in Thailand. It will help us provide quality to our customers and complements our overall growth of contract logistics in the region says.

The new DSV logistics hub is located Bangna-Trad Km.22 region in southwest Bangkok.


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