Complaint against deeds connected to conducting a tender


On April 21, 2009 into force came a regulation of the Council of Ministers of March 16, 2009 amending the regulation of the Council of Minister of September 14, 2004 on manner and procedure of conducting tenders and on negotiations concerning sales of real estate (Journal of Laws no. 55, item 450).
The regulation has extended the scope of subjects who investigate the complaints against deeds connected to conducting a tender which was submitted by a tender participant against the procedure of its conducting. Currently, such complaints are investigated by a voivode or by an executive authority of the territory’s self-government’s unit, as well as a minister relevant for the matters of the State Treasury. The complaint shall be submitted through the agency of a relevant authority or directly to a relevant authority. The relevant authority investigates the complaint within 7 days from its receipt. The Minister of Treasury, voivode or the executive authority of the territory’s self-government may acknowledge the claim as justified and order to repeat the tender deeds, it may invalidate the tender or recognize the complaint as unjustified.

Contact person: Małgorzata Lewandowska,

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