The Government adopted the draft of the budget act for 2010


On September 8 this year, the Council of Ministers adopted the draft of the budget act for 2010, under which the budget income are to amount to PLN 245,500,784,000. The expenses are intended not to exceed PLN 297,715,000,000 whereas the national deficit should not exceed PLN 52,214,216,000.
In the draft of the budget act there are no significant changes in taxes and expenses, however the draft includes considerable incomes from privatisation. It remains as a rule that the public debt should not exceed 55% of the GDP (the so-called second prudent threshold). The public debt in Poland may not exceed third prudent threshold i.e. 60 per cent GDP (the so-called third and last prudent threshold).

Kontakt: Mirosław Stefanik,

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