From September more funds for export


From September 14 until October 9, 2009 takes place the last round this year to lodge motions with the Local Financing Institutions [Regionalne Instytucje FinansujÄ…ce]. The motions can be lodged by small and medium enterprises which start export activity. The Local Financing Institutions are a local partner of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, cooperating at implementation of programmes for small and medium entrepreneurs.

Within the framework of the so-called programme “Passport to Export” implemented by the Local Financing Institutions, entrepreneurs will have a possibility to use PLN 65 million this year out of the total amount of PLN 121 million for the period 2007 – 2013.  The purpose of the programme is to strengthen the position of the Polish economy through increase in export and in the number of entrepreneurs dealing with export and to promote Poland as an attractive place to run a business.

Kontakt: Aleksander Kowalski,

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