"Polish entrepreneurs and employees in the Norwegian Reality"- WPHI workshops


Department of Trade and Investment Promotion of the Polish Embassy in Oslo in collaboration with SAROCE AS offers a series of free workshops about health and safety issues in Norway entitled:

"Polish entrepreneurs and employees in the Norwegian Reality"

A series of meetings is addressed to Polish companies and the management of personnel operating in Norway. The aim is to identify the differences between the systems in Poland and Norway and to draw attention to possibilities of resolving potential problems.

The workshop will provide a basic knowledge of safety in Norway, not only in the context of health and safety, but also within many medical aspects of the working environment.
Place: Trade & Investment Section in Oslo: Uranienborg terrasse 11

Questions and applications should be sent by e-mail: oslo@trade.gov.pl.
The planned topics of meetings:

25.01.2016 r. (Monday), 17.00
- introduction to a series of meetings,
- BHP in Poland and HMS in Norway (the legal basis, similarities and differences)

24.02.2016 r. (Wednesday), 17.00
- the latest guidelines of European Resuscitation Council in first aid

- professional risk assessment (analysis, classification and assessment of risks)

- Norwegian health care system

- Systematic work on health and safety (HMS)

- Occupational diseases – prevention and help in case of emergency

Beata RogalskaHead of HMS department in SAROCE AS. For over 15 years related to health and safety section. Her knowledge and extensive experience covers areas of Polish and Norwegian health and safety system. Knowledge, passion and enthusiasm is a combination of features that characterize her. The author of a training manual based on Norwegian laws: "Your environment - the working environment".

Jacek Borowiak - For nearly 10 years, a paramedic with professional experience from the National Medical Rescue System in Poland. From 2014 working in the Medical Rescue Teams of the University Hospital in Oslo.
Furthermore, Jacek is Head of the medical department in SAROCE AS interested in aspects of emergency medicine, occupational health and fire safety.

>>> more information at www.oslo.trade.gov.pl

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