According to the newest Ernst&Young report Poland is one of the most attractive countries in the world when it comes to location of foreign investments.
Poland was placed as number 7. Last year it was ranked two places higher, but this year investors placed Russia and Great Britain before Poland in the ranking.
According to the report China is the most attractive country for investments. It was pointed by 48% of 800 responders, who were mainly representatives of international companies.
2nd place was given to USA (33%) – the last year winner, and the 3rd place to India (26%).
The most attractive European country for investments remained Germany (18%).
Every 9th responder chose Poland as the best place for investments. The authors of the survey underline that Poland was the country in which investors created the highest number of new job posts in Europe. Last year foreign investors created 31 100 new posts, but it was decrease compared to 37 700 the year before.
Last year was record – breaking for Poland when it comes to the value of foreign investments. It reached the level of 11 mld euro. Year 2007 can be similar in this aspect.
Accordning to PaweĹ‚ Wojciechowski – president of PAIiZ the value of this year foreign investments will be higher than 10mld euro.
Source: “Rzeczpospolita” 04.07.2007