Seminar about business in Poland


Meet customers, business partners and learn about the experiences of Danish companies in Poland – 7 February in Herning, Denmark.

Poland is one of the fastest growing markets in Europe with almost 40 million consumers with spending power.
Poland has some of the lowest production costs in Europe.

Did you know that the inter-state trade between Denmark and Poland is bigger that between Denmark and China?

Seminar and B2B match-making

In cooperation with among other Polish-Danish Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Embassy in Denmark the Polish growth market is put into focus. Poland is extremely interesting for Danish companies regarding both production and sales. This seminar will provide you with a thorough insight into the business opportunities, how to get started, getting subsidies and hearing the experiences from other Danish companies as well as the possibility of business matchmaking with Polish and Danish companies.

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For more details please visit HERE.

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