This is Warmia and Mazury!


 Promotional campaign of the Warmia and Mazury region in Poland and abroad.

This is going to be a strong end of the project which promotes the investment potential of the Warmia and Mazury region under the Regional Operational Programme Warmia and Mazury 2007-2013. The Marshal of the Warmia and Mazury Province – Jacek Protas and representatives of the regional government will highlight the greatest strengths of the province during three meetings with business leaders scheduled in Olsztyn, Warsaw and the capital of Austria – Vienna.
The first meeting is a conference “Start locally. Plan globally. The importance of the investment potential of Warmia and Mazury for the success of local business” to be held October 26 in Olsztyn and co-organised by the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.
"We give the same priority to supporting entrepreneurs as to attracting investments from abroad. That’s why we would like to encourage discussion, exchange of views to better understand the current needs of businesses in Warmia and Mazury and respond accordingly, especially during hard times" - says Jacek Protas, Marshal of the Warmia and Mazury Province.
“This is Warmia and Mazury! Unique potential for investment and support for international business in the Warmia and Mazury Province”  is the title of another conference to be held November 8 in Vienna. What’s important, the partner of this meeting is the country’s largest and most important business organization – the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ). WKÖ’s involvement in the project stresses the importance of economic relations between Austria and the Warmia and Mazury region – says RadosĹ‚aw Zawadzki, Director of Promotion Co-ordination Department at the Marshal's Office in Olsztyn.  
In line with the region’s development strategy, the representatives of the Warmia and Mazury region will meet in Vienna mainly the representatives of the furniture, food and renewable energy sectors. They will discuss the strengths of the province, incentive programmes, and economic zones.
"One of the most important resources of the Warmia and Mazury region are its people, their education and enthusiasm. The profile of local community is often crucial for managers when selecting a new business location" – says Jerzy Golbik, CFO of Personnel International who will present the human potential of Warmia and Mazury to Austrian investors.
The guests of the last event (scheduled for 22 November in Warsaw) will be the Scandinavian entrepreneurs operating in Poland. They are invited by the representatives of the regional government, together with the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the conditions and opportunities for investors from the North of Europe to do business in Warmia and Mazury. What do you know about the economy of Warmia and Mazury and its potential? How do you see our province? What can we do for you? These and many other questions will be asked during the interactive meeting that is to help spark greater interest in Warmia and Mazury among Scandinavian businesses.
These meetings are the last elements of the project “Comprehensive Investor Support System in Warmia and Mazury – Professional Impact of Economic Promotion” which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and dedicated to promote the attractiveness of the Warmia and Mazury region to investors. Its goal is to show the investment potential of the Warmia and Mazury region, build a positive perception among investors and provide information about the region and its export opportunities.
For more information contact: Aneta KĹ‚odaĹ› 509 332 606 Bluevine Consulting

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