Handelsbanken - news


We invite you to read the newest economic analysis by Handelsbanken experts: Global Macro Forecast - Mature business cycle changes.


New research from Handelsbanken Capital Markets.


New research from Handelsbanken Capital Markets.


New research from Handelsbanken Capital Markets.


The global economy is continuing to expand at about the same pace as the last couple of years. At that level, economic developments seem rather  tranquil. However, a closer look at how individual countries and regions are faring reveals a more dramatic story.


This summer, a number of previously simmering global anxieties have come to the fore. While the Greek drama is perceived as an existential threat to the integrity of the euro project, it is only a side story from a global perspective.


Fast Comment Sweden - Riksbank eases monetary policy further. Riksbank lowers policy rate, policy rate on hold until inflation picks up, household indebtedness still a concern.


Poland Monthly - Handelsbanken Capital Markets report.


Poland Monthly: Still waiting for a turnaround. Handelsbanken Capital Markets report.


Handelsbanken opened its branch in Wrocław. The official opening took place on 9th October 2007.


Handelsbanken Poland, which is part of the Swedish banking group Svenska Handelsbanken, has successfully been operating on the Polish market since 1997. Today the bank offers a full range of products for both corporate and private customers through its branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk and Poznań. Now the expansion continues.


Handelsbanken Poland, which is part of the Swedish banking group Svenska Handelsbanken, has successfully been operating on the Polish market since 1997. Today the bank offers a full range of products for both corporate and private customers through its branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk and Poznań. Now the expansion continues.


Handelsbanken otworzył 14 września 2006 nowy oddział w Polsce – w Poznaniu. Dyrektorem nowego oddziału został Jarosław Ładziak. Siedziba mieści się w części biurowej Starego Browaru, przy ul. Półwiejskiej 32.


Handelsbanken Finans started operations in Poland. Handelsbanken already has branches in Warsaw and in Gdańsk (opened in June) and will soon open a branch in Poznań. So, now the Polish operations include finance company services, too.

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