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SPCC Business Conference: Sustainability & Profitability

28 November 2012, 14:30

To see the list of participants and the invitation, please log in

On November 28th the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce organized a conference dedicated to sustainable development and CSR in the supply chain. Invited guests and panellists argued that the inclusion of CSR in corporate strategy influences not only the company image, but also the profits. It pays off to be responsible – this is shown by the examples of Scandinavian companies operating in Poland. Introducing CSR practices into a company’s supply chain may be one way to create a sustainable development and strengthen the market position.

The conference was organized under the Honorary Patronage of the Royal Danish Embassy, Estonian Embassythe Embassy of Finland, Royal Norwegian Embassy, the Embassy of Sweden and Media Patronage of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Warsaw Business Journal and Warsaw Voice.

SPCC would like to extend a warm thank you to our Strategic Partner Fortum Power and Heat, Partner Electrolux and the Logistic Partners Hotel InterContinental and SAS for the support of the Conference.

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