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Opening of the SPCC Regional Represen-tation Office

26 September 2006, 17:00

To see the list of participants and the invitation, please log in

The official opening of the new SPCC Reginal Office in Cracow took place place on 26th September 2006.


The SPCC will be represented by Janusz Kahl, Nordic House. SPCC aim is to create a networking platform for the Scandinavian companies present in Małopolska & Silesia region. The task of the regional representation will be to secure the information and experience exchange between the member companies present in this regions.


The SPCC Members present in Małopolska & Silesia region are: E-Service, Logstor, Making Waves, Niras, Nordkalk, Royal Unibrew, Scandinavian Tobacco and Vallo Saft, Huhtamaki Poland.


We do hope that much more members will join us!

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